Workout Buddy

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery


Workout Buddy was my first website using JavaScript and jQuery.

Exercising from home was an important part of mine and many other people's lives over the 2020/21 COVID-19 enforced lockdown period so I decided to create a fitness app to make this easier. Users can create a customised workout routine and use an inbuilt timer to accompany their exercises.

The site features a list of preset exercises with simple instructions to add to the workout - users also have the option to enter their own exercises if they are unable to find the exercise they want. Once ready, the user can begin the workout using the timer. THere are three preset difficulty options which toggle the time period of each exersise as well as the rest breaks in between. Again, a user can enter custom time periods for both exercises and breaks.

Custom JavaScript features

  • Light/Dark mode toggle
  • Navbar Toggler
  • Adding exercises to workout dynamically using either a text input or existing items
  • Custom form validation using red/green colour scheme
  • User preferences and workouts are saved using browser local storage
  • Toasts for adding/deleting exercises/form submission

© Patrick Oldman 2021 | Created using Gatsby